Resources: Workshop Tutorials and Practical Sessions
All tutorials and practical sessions at this workshop were based around the freely available software Wave. This latest software can be directly downloaded from the Github. Full instructions for use can also be found on these pages.
WAMAA – Wave installation
Introduction to processing using Wave (Associated Practical: Practical 1: Using Wave)
The presentation will give an overview of the theory behind Wave processing as well as how to use the software itself. It is then recommended to complete practical 1 after watching this presentation.
Data Interpretation (Associated Practical: Practical 2: Data Interpretation)
The presentation guides users through how to interpret the results produced by the Wave software. It is then recommended to complete practical 2 following this presentation.
Putting it all together (Associated Practical: Practical 3: Putting it all together)
The presentation reviews all the steps that have been covered in the workshop relating to data checking, processing and interpreting waveform accelerometry data. Practical 3 provides an opportunity to run through all the steps together on a small data set to aid understanding.
The results from the data processed in the practicals are below including a summary sheet. This allows users to check understanding.