An individually randomised controlled trial nested within the Fenland Study, designed to investigate the effects of measurement of physical activity and feedback on awareness, behavioural intentions and physical activity levels. Consenting participants in the Fenland Study were allocated to one of four groups (control and three levels of feedback). A total of 395 volunteers completed additional measures on awareness and potential mediating variables on the measurement day, intervention participants received feedback on their physical activity (Simple, Visual or Contextualised). The FAB study assessed whether this affect health-related attitudes and physical activity behaviour. Follow-up was by questionnaire upon receipt of feedback and by postal re-measurement of physical activity using combined heart rate and movement sensors activity at 12 weeks.
Data collection complete, main effect analysis published, cohort analysis and publication on-going.
Unit Role
Unit led, collaboration on behavioural science with the University of Cambridge Primary Care Unit.
MRC core funding.
FAB study publications on the MRC Epidemiology Unit publications database.
Data sharing
We welcome proposals for projects and aim to make data as widely available as possible whilst safeguarding the privacy of our participants, protecting confidential data and maintaining the reputations of our studies and participants. Please see our Data Sharing pages for more information.