11 December 2015, Crausaz Wordsworth Building, Robinson College Cambridge
In the spirit of the Chatham House Rule, participants will be free to use the information discussed at the event, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speakers may be revealed outside the meeting. The event will be written up, but individuals will not be identified (unless they specifically request to go on the record.)
9.30 – 10.00: Registration
10.00 – 10.10: Introduction & ground rules
- Introduction – Prof Nick Wareham, CEDAR & MRC Epidemiology Unit
- Ground rules for the day – Vivienne Parry, Facilitator, Science Writer & Broadcaster
10.10 – 11.50: Opening debate
“Cooperation between researchers and the food industry undermines credibility in science and weakens public health efforts to make diets healthier”
Proposing the motion:
- Professor Simon Capewell, Institute of Psychology Health and Society, University of Liverpool
- Professor Anna Gilmore, Professor of Public Health, Department for Health, University of Bath
Opposing the motion:
- Professor Paul Aveyard, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford
- Dr Derek Yach, Senior Vice President, Vitality Group
Each side will have up to 30 minutes speaking time in total for their arguments. Speakers will alternate between sides. Following open discussion, there will be 5 minutes in total for summing up by each side to close the debate.
Rather than a binary vote at the end of the debate, Session 2 will be used to elicit quantitative responses to the issues raised.
11.50 – 12.10: Break
12.10 – 13.05: Session 2: divergence and consensus card sort
Applying card-sorting task methods, working in tables, participants will debate and sort through a number of statements that cover different aspects of dietary public health and the food industry. This session is intended to identify points of general agreement to allow the final session to focus on points of disagreement.
13.05 – 14.00: Lunch and informal discussion
14.00 – 15.30: Session 3: further facilitated discussion
Results from the card sort will be reported back to identify any areas of consensus that have emerged. The facilitator will then work with participants to explore contentious issues, and potential ways forward.
15.30: Event finish, followed by tea and opportunity for ongoing informal discussion.