The NDNS Bioresource
The National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) Bioresource has been established to facilitate access to valuable resources held within the UK NDNS collection, for the purpose of further health related research in the public interest.
Findings from the NDNS are regularly published through government reports.
NDNS data are made publically available via the UK Data Service (UKDS).
The NDNS Bioresource consists of
- Biological samples collected and stored for future research from the:
- NDNS Rolling Programme (RP) (2008 – ongoing)
- Urinary sodium surveys in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland
- Participants from NDNS RP and the Diet and Nutrition Survey of Infants and Young Children (DNSIYC, 2011) willing to be contacted for future research
- Data not available via UKDS, including detailed demographic information
- Opportunity for NHS data linkage for NDNS RP participants who have consented to be linked to the NHS Central Register and Cancer Register
Access to the NDNS Bioresource is via formal application to the NDNS Bioresource Panel. Administrative costs to retrieve and provide samples and facilitate data provision will apply. More information on this process and the application form can be found here.
Applications are invited at any time and are reviewed by the Panel, up to 3 times a year, currently at the end of January, May and September.
The NDNS Project Board will also consider applications for add-on studies to be included as part of the core survey.
NDNS Biorepository
Samples collected from the different surveys have been stored to be available for further research, providing the opportunity for data linkage at the individual level.
The collection contains samples of urine, plasma, serum and washed erythrocytes from the current NDNS rolling programme (RP) and urinary sodium surveys in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
If you would like further information about a specific age group, survey year or sample type please email: for more specific information.
How are samples collected and stored?
Blood samples were collected from participants aged 2 years and over by venepuncture from (primarily) fasted participants. Samples were chilled and processed and plasma/serum separated within 2 hours of collection.
Spot urine samples were collected from participants aged 4 years and over into a labelled “universal” tube without touching the inside surface with their fingers or hands. Samples are then transferred and stored in 1.7ml aliquot.
Blood samples from the surveys are stored in -70ºC freezers in 2D bar-coded aliquots of 0.5 to 2ml. Urine samples are stored at a maximum of -20 ºC
For further details of how the blood and urine samples are obtained and processed in the NDNS RP (2008 – ongoing) go to Appendix P and Appendix Q of the NDNS Results from Years 9 to 11.
Long term storage of donated samples for the surveys is with written participant consent and NHS ethics approval.
NDNS RP and DNSIYC participants for follow-up research
Survey participants are asked whether they are willing to be contacted for future research. Terms of consent may differ slightly across survey years.
Access to those participants who have expressed an interest in follow up for future research is via the application to the NDNS Bioresource and subject to project approval by NDNS Bioresource Panel.
The mechanism for re-contacting participants is managed and enabled via NatCen Social Research (NatCen). For further information about opportunities for participant follow up, contact via email:
Data not available via UKDS
Findings from NDNS RP are regularly published through government reports and are made publically available via the UKDS following publication.
NatCen act as custodian for participant data, consent and data linkage.
NatCen operate a Data Release Panel to deal with requests from NDNS RP and DNSIYC data users for more detailed/refined geographical information not included in the datasets deposited at the UKDA. Considerations in relation to data and confidentiality protection and fees may apply. Applications should be emailed
NHS data linkage – NHS Central Register and Cancer Register
NDNS RP participants aged 16 years and older have been asked to provide consent for their research data to be linked to the National Health Service Central Register and the National Cancer Registry. Mechanisms for data linkage are complex and subject to external governance but the opportunity is there to pursue this. If you are interested in this opportunity please contact
Under the current contract data linkage for NDNS RP participants is managed and if feasible will be enabled via NatCen.
Add-on Studies
The NDNS Project Board will consider applications for add-on studies to be included as part of the core survey. Examples might include an additional question in the interview, a new physical measurement or an additional biological sample or analyte. The Project Board will consider the impact of add-ons on the core survey, in particular the burden on participants and the organisation of the survey. Applicants should consider using the NDNS Bioresource in the first instance and would need to justify why this was not suitable for the proposed work. Enquiries about add-on studies should be made through PHE Secretariat ( in the first instance.
Access to the NDNS Bioresource
The NDNS Bioresource Panel acts on behalf of the NDNS Project Board and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) with the remit to review and approve requests (via formal application) to access the NDNS Bioresource.
The aim of the NDNS Bioresource Panel is to facilitate and encourage access to the NDNS Bioresource for health- related research in the public interest. The intention is to maximise use of the this valuable national resource, while ensuring any use is in accordance with the undertaking given to survey participants and terms of consent.
The application form can be downloaded here. Completed applications and further enquiries should be submitted to Prior to completing the application form you are advised to read the NDNS Bioresource Governance document which provides more details, including an overview of the application and decision process. Please also see this flowchart for a summary of the process.
Applications for access to the NDNS Bioresource may be submitted at any time.
Once each proposal deadline has passed, the NDNS Bioresource Panel will consider all applications received. The NDNS Bioresource Panel will provide a decision within 3 months from the relevant assessment interval deadline.
Fees will apply (including for sample or data retrieval, data linkage, administrative, logistic costs to facilitate access to data or survey participants).