Data Manager
Data Management Team
Current work and interests
Susie Boatman is the database lead within the Data Management Team at the MRC Epidemiology Unit. She is responsible for development of database tools for the unit, and also for data management and release for several of the Unit’s studies, including the Fenland study.
Along with the Senior Data Manager, Susie is responsible for providing inductions for data security protection; in this role she will be able to provide advice on appropriate use of data for specific needs.
Background and experience
Susie’s main areas of expertise are SQL-Server, VBA and MS Access, but she also uses Java, R, Stata, MySQL, XML and XQuery. In her role in the Unit she has developed over a dozen databases including the Fenland Study Database and the Unit Database.
Susie graduated in engineering from Loughborough University in 2004 and worked for several years in local government and the Civil Service before joining the unit in 2010.