Research Study Assistant
Field Epidemiology
Current work and interests
Louie joined the Unit in May 2023 as a Research Study Assistant working on the Fenland Study, based in the North Cambridgeshire Hospital at Wisbech. He is part of the field team responsible for leading participants through their visits, ensuring good research practice and high skills across multiple points of the visits, including drawing of blood, clinical measurements, anthropometric and body composition measurements, radiation scans (DEXA) and physical activity measurements, as well as being competent in lab work such as blood aliquoting. He has also participated in data cleaning for the EPIC-Norfolk Study.
Background and experience
Louie studied for a BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science at Nottingham Trent University, covering topics including sports nutrition, injury and illness, talent development and applied sports science. He graduated in 2023 with his dissertation being a critical review on scientific literature around the topic of ‘How Sleep and Diet Affect Student Athletes’ Overall Wellbeing’.