Ph.D. Student
Dietary Public Health Research
Left the Unit in 2014
Work and interests
Annalijn Conklin was a PhD candidate in CEDAR under supervision by Dr. Pablo Monsaviais and Prof Nick Wareham, before leaving the Unit in September 2014 after being awarded a Ph.D. degree from the University of Cambridge. She also holds an Honours Bachelor of Science (biology and philosophy, University of Toronto, magna cum laude), a research Master of Science (University of Edinburgh, cum laude) and a Master of Public Health (Columbia University). Her research examined the social-level factors influencing dietary behaviour among older-age populations, with a policy interest in better designing and evaluating interventions to prevent and manage chronic illness.
Background and experience
Previously, she worked as an analyst at RAND Europe, a not-for-profit research organisation, for four years and thus brings a strong background and research experience in health policy, evidence reviews and evaluation. In addition to over two dozen technical reports, she has published articles on a variety of public health topics including disease management evaluation, integrated care, public involvement in health decision-making, and gender, human rights and global health.