Definitions of metabolic health that have been proposed to help explain differences in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes between people of different weight may be less helpful than […]
Analysis of UK Biobank data shows children born in the summer more likely to be healthy as adults
Getting more sun in pregnancy can lead to higher birth weight and later puberty for girls Women who were born in the summer are more likely to be healthy adults, […]
Shining a light on polycystic ovary syndrome: New genetic study reveals underlying mechanisms and potential interventions
In the largest genome wide association study (GWAS) into polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) to date, new research conducted by scientists at the University of Cambridge and ten other institutions, including […]
Maintaining healthy DNA delays menopause
An international study of nearly 70,000 women has identified more than forty regions of the human genome that are involved in governing at what age a woman goes through the […]
Build it and they will come? Study sheds light on how new walking and cycling routes change behaviour.
A new study published by scientists from the Unit and Centre for Diet and Activity Research (CEDAR) in BMJ Open has found that the influence of better walking and cycling […]
TV, internet and computer games associated with poorer GCSE grades
Each extra hour per day spent watching TV, using the internet or playing computer games during Year 10 is associated with poorer grades at GCSE at age 16, according to […]
Regular consumption of sugary drinks associated with type 2 diabetes
Sugar sweetened drinks may give rise to nearly 2 million diabetes cases over 10 years in the US and 80,000 in the UK, estimates study published in the BMJ Summary […]
UK Biobank study finds timing of puberty has wide-ranging impacts on health in later life
In the largest study of its kind to date, the timing of puberty was found to have a wide range of impacts on health in later life. Researchers from the […]
Increasing dietary fibre may reduce the risk of developing diabetes
New research published today in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes) indicates that consuming greater quantities of dietary fibre reduces the risk of developing […]
Early detection and treatment of type 2 diabetes may reduce heart disease and mortality
Screening to identify type 2 diabetes followed by early treatment could result in substantial health benefits, according to new research published today in Diabetes Care that combined large scale clinical […]