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The NCD emergency, intergenerational inequality, and the urgent need for systems change

Lee Hall, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, Barton Road, Cambridge, CB3 9BB Wolfson College, Cambridge

The only way is upstream: the NCD emergency, intergenerational inequality and the urgent need for system change. A free public lecture by Professor Martin White, Programme Leader for Population Health Interventions at the MRC Epidemiology Unit. FREE registration at: This event is part of the Wolfson Explores Transformation lecture series.

Let food be thy medicine – Talk by Professor Nita Forouhi

Wolfson Hall, Churchill College Storey's Way, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Type 2 diabetes is one of the biggest global public health challenges, also placing a massive burden in the U.K. on people with diabetes, their families and the wider society. Urgent solutions are needed to help individuals with this condition as well as to prevent those at risk from developing it in the future. Dietary […]

Seminar – Healthy Cities from the Bottom Up: A Human-centred Approach to Urban and Transport Planning

Online , United Kingdom

All are invited to the CEDAR/MRC Epidemiology Seminar: Healthy Cities from the Bottom Up: A Human-centred Approach to Urban and Transport Planning Dr Andy Hong, Nuffield Department of Women's & Reproductive Health, University of Oxford. Watch a recording of this online seminar on Zoom. Download the slides from this seminar as a PDF. Abstract The […]

Seminar – Introducing the Propensity to Cycle Tool and explaining the new health impact calculation methods

Online , United Kingdom

All are invited to the CEDAR/MRC Epidemiology Seminar: Introducing the Propensity to Cycle Tool and explaining the new health impact calculation methods. Dr Anna Goodman, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and Dr Rachel Aldred, University of Westminster, London. Watch the seminar by Dr Aldred and Dr Goodman on our Youtube channel. About the […]