Aims of the seminars
- Bring together the international research and practitioner community in transport impact assessment
- Learn about readily available tools to assess transport impacts or components of it (e.g. transport demand models for active travel)
- Learn about state-of-the-art methods for the evaluation of transport impacts
- Learn from practitioners and decision-makers what evidence and tools are useful to support investment in active travel
- Establish an international transport impact assessment community
Second Session
3 June 2020, 16.00-19.30h BST;
(Other time zones: 17.00 – 20.30h CEST (Central European Summer time), 17.00 – 20.30h AEST; 19:00 – 20.30h NZST)
Second session agenda
- Rolf Moeckel, Technical University of Munich | Modeling Travel Behavior and Health Impacts
- Susan Handy, University of California, Davis | Evaluating the benefits of bicycle and pedestrian projects in California.
- Kelly Clifton, Portland State University | Representing Pedestrians in Travel Demand Models: Opportunities & Challenges
- Neil Maizlish, Centre for Climate Change and Health | Advances in ITHIM Practice and Research, United States
- Thomas Götschi, University of Oregon | HEAT Global: Adapting WHO’s Health Economic Assessment Tool for walking and cycling (HEAT) for a global audience
- Rachel Aldred, University of Westminster | The Propensity to Cycle Tool: methods for modelling cycling potential for research and policy
- Stefan Gössling, Lund University | Why cost-benefit analyses could (and should) inspire transport policies
- Verónica Sánchez, Barcelona City Council | A new model of sustainable mobility: can public space change the way we move?
Second session chairs
- Haneen Khreis, Texas A&M University
- James Woodcock, University of Cambridge
Register for the second session
The webinar session will take place via Zoom. Prior registration is required.
Please register at
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