All are invited to the CEDAR/MRC Epidemiology Seminar:
Sitting time and chronic disease prevention: strengthening the evidence base
Dr Genevieve Healy, Senior Research Fellow at the School of Public Health at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Addressing too much sitting is now recognised as a preventive health target. In 2014, Dr Healy was part of a multi-institutional team that was awarded an Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) grant on Sitting Time and Chronic Disease Prevention. This grant brings together the leading research teams and personnel in Australia to strengthen the sedentary behaviour and health evidence base across three primary themes: measurement, mechanisms and interventions. The research embedded with the CRE is conducted across key life stages (children, youth, adults, older adults) and population-health settings (e.g. schools, home, workplaces, aged care). This talk will provide an overview of the program of research being undertaken within the context of the CRE, with an emphasis on the measurement and workplace intervention elements.
About Dr Healy
Dr Genevieve Healy is a Senior Research Fellow at the School of Public Health at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, and is supported by a Heart Foundation postdoctoral fellowship. Her research focuses on understanding how much we sit and how this influences our health, as well as the feasibility and acceptability of reducing this behaviour in key settings, including the office workplace. Her work has influenced policy and guidelines regarding the importance of reducing prolonged sitting time, and has been featured in >1200 online, print or broadcast media articles including in the New York Times. Dr Healy co-leads the Stand Up Australia program of research: a program which aims to investigate the benefits of reducing prolonged sitting time in the workplace, and includes multiple industry and government partner organisations. Read more.