The map below shows the 35 local authorities that adopted a takeaway management zone before 31st December 2017.
19 local authorities excluded town centres from regulations when they overlapped with management zones (‘town centre exempt zones’) and 7 implemented ‘time management zones’ where new outlets are subject to limited trading hours.

LA | Adoption date | LA | Adoption date | LA | Adoption date |
1. Barking and Dagenham | 21/07/2010 | 13. Halton | 01/03/2012 | 25. Salford | 01/01/2014 |
2. Barnsley | 01/03/2012 | 14. Islington | 01/06/2013 | 26. Sandwell | 01/03/2012 |
3. Blackburn with Darwen | 01/03/2016 | 15. Kingston upon Hull | 01/11/2017 | 27. Sefton | 07/09/2017 |
4. Bolton | 01/09/2013 | 16. Lambeth | 01/09/2015 | 28. South Tyneside | 29/11/2017 |
5. Bradford | 01/11/2014 | 17. Lewisham | 26/11/2014 | 29. St Helens | 22/06/2011 |
6. Brent | 01/11/2016 | 18. Manchester | 01/03/2017 | 30. Stockport | 01/03/2011 |
7. Bristol | 01/07/2014 | 19. Medway | 01/07/2014 | 31. Torbay | 06/04/2017 |
8. Bromsgrove | 25/01/2017 | 20. Newcastle upon Tyne | 01/10/2016 | 32. Wakefield | 18/01/2017 |
9. Ealing | 01/12/2013 | 21. North Tyneside | 20/07/2017 | 33. Waltham Forest | 24/03/2009 |
10. Enfield | 01/11/2014 | 22. Preston | 02/07/2015 | 34. Wandsworth | 01/03/2015 |
11. Gateshead | 02/06/2015 | 23. Rochdale | 01/04/2015 | 35. Warrington | 07/09/2017 |
12. Hackney | 01/07/2015 | 24. Rossendale | 01/06/2011 |
Source: Rahilly et al., Under review