Our studies include pilot/feasibility trials and explanatory trials through to large multi-centre pragmatic trials in community settings (e.g. primary care, educational establishments) and natural experiments. Trials have recruited from varied populations, from babies to older adults, and have included up to 12,500 participants and have led to significant contributions towards clinical practice and public health policy.
Studies include:
- ADDITION: Anglo—Danish-Dutch Study of Intensive Treatment in People with Screen Detected Diabetes in Primary Care – 10 year follow up
- APAD-C: Adolescent Physical Activity During Covid-19
- Baby Milk Study
- BOLT: Behaviours and Outcomes after Liver Transplant
- CASE: Creating Active School Environments – Pilot study
- CAVA: COVID-19 capillary and venous blood antibody testing study
- CIRCUS: The Effects of Types of Fruits and Vegetables on Vascular Function
- Co-designing intervention options for food and built environments near schools
- CREATE-C: Cancer Rehabilitation Exercise and Activity via Telehealth COVID 19 Feasibility Study
- EPIC-Norfolk
- Fenland Study – Phase 2
- Fenland COVID-19 Study
- FRESH: Families Reporting Every Step to Health
- GDAR Spaces (in preparation, more information coming soon)
- GLINT: Glucose lowering in Non-diabetic hyperglycaemia Trial
- GLOW: Glucose LOwering through Weight management
- GoActive Trial
- IBS Study
- Implementation & assessment of mandatory calorie labelling in the out-of-home sector
- ICAN-Northstowe
- National Diet and Nutrition Survey
- OneDraw Feasibility Study
- PROPELS – The Promotion of Physical Activity through Structured Education with Differing Levels of Ongoing Support for those with Prediabetes
- SWiM: Supporting Weight Management – Feasibility Study
- SWiM-C: Supporting Weight Management during COVID-19
- Time use and travel behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Weight Loss Referrals for Adults in Primary Care (WRAP) Trial – 5 year follow-up