This blog, from members of the Population Health Interventions Programme originally appeared on the Fuse Open Science Blog. This is Part 2 of our PhD SURVIVAL GUIDE. In Part 1 […]
Things I wish I’d known when I started my PhD… part 1
This blog, from members of the Population Health Interventions Programme originally appeared on the Fuse Open Science Blog. By three methods we might learn wisdom: first by reflection, which is […]
Study finds almost 1 million extra deaths in 29 high income countries in 2020 during Covid-19 pandemic
An international collaboration, led by researchers at the Nuffield Department of Population Health at the University of Oxford, including Professor Martin White of the MRC Epidemiology Unit, has calculated that […]
Sugar purchased in soft drinks fell 10% following introduction of industry levy
Statement – 05 December 2023 Correction to: Changes in soft drinks purchased by British households associated with the UK soft drinks industry levy: controlled interrupted time series analysis; BMJ (2021) […]
English obesity policies have long been unfit for purpose, but they are improving
In this article for The Conversation, Unit and CEDAR PhD student Dolly Theis discusses new insights into why successive government’s obesity policies in England over the past three decades have […]
Successive governments’ approach to obesity policies has destined them to fail, say researchers
Government obesity policies in England over the past three decades have largely failed because of problems with implementation, lack of learning from past successes or failures, and a reliance on […]
New consortium funded to deliver systems research programme to transform urban food system
The MRC Epidemiology Unit is leading one of four multi-million pound interdisciplinary research programmes awarded funding to support the transformation of the UK food system. The research is being funded […]
Unit scientists join call for urgent action to address global diabetes epidemic
Researchers from the MRC Epidemiology Unit are part of the international team behind a new report in The Lancet summarising the best evidence for effectively managing and preventing diabetes. This […]
Restricting unhealthy food advertising on TV could reduce number of overweight and obese children by 120,000
New research suggests that unhealthy food advertising on television before the 9pm watershed is responsible for 1 in 22 cases of childhood obesity. Removing these adverts before 9pm, the intention […]
Cycling and walking to work lowers risk of cancer, heart disease and death – The Conversation
In this article for The Conversation, Dr Richard Patterson from the MRC Epidemiology Unit and Dr Anthony Laverty from Imperial College London discuss research highlighting the health benefits of active […]