Senior Study/Trial Manager
Study Coordination, Field Epidemiology
Left the Unit in 2022
Current work and interests
Jennifer joined the Unit in August 2019, as the Senior Study/Trial Manager for the Unit, as well as playing a role in the Cambridge Epidemiology & Trials Unit. She managed the Study Coordination and Field Epidemiology Teams. Jennifer left the Unit in January 2022.
Background and experience
Jennifer has a B.Sc. in Physics from University of Missouri – St. Louis (her hometown) and a Ph.D. in Physics from Heriot-Watt University, where she specialised in nonlinear dynamics and spatiotemporal dynamics of cardiac arrhythmias.
Over her career, she has specialised in the research interface between Clinical/Medical and STEM subjects. She worked at the University of Florida’s Biomedical Engineering Department, where she was part of a team that worked with a cardio-thoracic surgeon to determine why commercial atrial radio-frequency ablation devices were not as effective as the original ‘cut and sew’ method of the Cox Maze procedure. She also worked with a group interested in epilepsy, looking at developing algorithms for the detection of high-frequency oscillations from the brain during the ‘latent period’, (a period in between an insult to the brain and the first seizure).
From there she came back to the UK in 2007, working up in Newcastle University in the School of Computing and Institute of Neuroscience, looking at network analysis of neuroscience data in context with epilepsy, stroke and ophthalmology. From Newcastle she went down to London in 2012, studying heart failure and creating new algorithms for integration calcium wave dynamics with voltage and mitochondrial depolarisation information at Imperial College London’s National Heart and Lung Institute. During this time she also worked within the Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust collecting samples from ex-planted hearts and lungs for research. In 2017 she moved to Cambridge, working at the Hutchison/MRC Research Centre as the Research Governance and Integrity Coordinator, where she worked on a number of clinical trials in terms of management, governance and monitoring.
(Please note several are published under former surnames Twitty and Simonotto)
Book Chapters
- M Kaiser, J Simonotto, “Limited Spreading: How Hierarchical Networks prevent the Transition to the Epileptic State”, Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience (2010)
- M Kaiser, J Simonotto, “Multiple-scale hierarchical connectivity of cortical networks limits the spread of activity”, in “Analysis of Complex Networks: from Biology to Linguistics”, edited by Matthias Dehmer and Frank Emmert-Streib, Wiley-Blackwell (2009)
- E Simonotto, M Riani, J Twitty, F Moss. “Human Perception Of Subthreshold, Noise-Enhanced Visual Images”, in “Spatiotemporal models in biological and artificial systems”, FL Silvia, JC Principe and LB Almeida, IOS Press (1996)
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Mawad D, Mansfield C, Lauto A, Perbellini F, Nelson G, Tonkin J, Bello S, Carrod D, Micolich A, Mahat M, Simonotto J, Payne D, Lyon A, Gooding J, Harding S, Terracciano C, Stevens M Mclose, “A conducting polymer with enhanced electronic stability applied in cardiac models” Science Advances, (2016) Vol: 2, ISSN: 2375-2548
- M Ainsworth, S Lee, M Kaiser, J Simonotto, N Kopell & M A Whittington, “GABAB receptor-mediated, layer-specific synaptic plasticity reorganizes gamma frequency neocortical response to stimulation.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2016) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1605243113
- JCA Read, A Godfrey, I Bohr, JD Simonotto, B Galna and TV Smulders, “Viewing 3D TV over two months produces no discernible effects on balance, coordination or eyesight” Ergonomics (2016) DOI 10.1080/00140139.2015.1114682
- Hayward C, Patel H, Morley-Smith A, Patel K, Shaikh R, Simonotto J et al. “The Importance of Lead Selection on the Interpretation of T Wave Alternans.” Europace (2015) 17 (suppl 5):v14-v15
- JCA Read, JD Simonotto, I Bohr, A Godfrey, B Galna, L Rochester, TV Smulders. “Balance and coordination after viewing stereoscopic 3D television” Royal Society Open Science, (2015) 2: 140522 DOI: 10.1098/rsos.140522.
- SJ Eglen, M Weeks, M Jessop, J Simonotto, T Jackson E Sernagor, “A data repository and analysis framework for spontaneous neural activity recordings in developing retina”, GigaScience (2014) 3 :3.
- AK Roopun, JD Simonotto, ML. Pierce, A Jenkins, IS Schofield, RG Whittaker, M Kaiser, MA Whittington, RD Traub, MO Cunningham, “A non-synaptic mechanism underlying interictal discharges in human epilepic neocortex”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2010) 107 , pp338-343.
- P Ribeiro, J Simonotto, M Kaiser, F Silva. “Parallel calculation of multi-electrode array correlation networks”, Journal of Neuroscience Methods (2009) 184 (2), pp357-64.
- C Komalapriya, MC Romano, M Thiel, U.Schwarz, J Kurths, J Simonotto, M Furman, WL Ditto, PR Carney, “Predictability of Spontaneous Limbic Seizures using Recurrence Measures”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (2009) 19 (2), pp605-617.
- VI Kovalev, RG Harrison, JD Simonotto, “Emergence and collapse of coherent periodic emission in stochastic stimulated Brillouin scattering in an optical fiber”, Physical Review A – Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (2008) 78 :(4), Art. no. 043820.
- S Talathi, DU Hwang, WL Ditto, SM Myers, J Winters, JD Simonotto, MD Furman, PR Carney ML Spano, “Early Seizure Detection in an Animal Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy”, Journal of Neural Engineering (2008) 5 (1), pp 85-98.
- JD Simonotto, MD Furman, WL Ditto, A Miliotis, ML Spano, TM Beaver. “Dynamic Transmurality: Cardiac Optical Mapping Reveals Waves Travel Across Transmural Ablation Line”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (2007) 17 (9), pp. 3229-3234.
- MD Furman, JD Simonotto, TM Beaver, ML Spano and WL Ditto “Using Recurrence Quantification Analysis Determinism for Noise Removal in Cardiac Optical Mapping”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (2006) 53 (4), pp. 767–770.
- M Small, DJ Yu, J Simonotto, RG Harrison, N Grubb and KAA Fox. “Uncovering nonlinear structure in human ECG recordings”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals (2002) 13 (8), 1755-1762.
- F Levrero, MA Ferrari, A Pilot, F Sardanelli, RC Parodi, P Renzetti, E Simonotto, J Twitty, F Moss, P Vitali, F Spano, M Riani. “Stochastic resonance in the human visual system – A fMRI study”, Rivista Di Neuroradiologia (2000) 13 (1), 119-123.
- A Neiman, D Russell, X Pei, W Wojtenek, J Twitty, E Simonotto, B Wettring, E Wagner, L Wilkens, F Moss. “Stochastic synchronization of electroreceptors in the paddlefish”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, (2000) 10 , 2499-2517.
- E Simonotto, F Spano, M Riani, A Ferrari, F Levrero, A Pilot, P Renzetti, RC Parodi, F Sardanelli, P Vitali, J Twitty, F Chiou-Tan, and F Moss. “fMRI Studies Of Visual Cortical Activity During Noise Stimulation”, Neurocomputing (1999) 26 (7), 511-516.
- E Simonotto, M Riani, C Seife, M Roberts, J Twitty, F Moss. “Visual Perception Of Stochastic Resonance”, Physical Review Letters (1997) 78 , pp1186-1189.