People with type 2 diabetes are at increased risk of developing other health problems such as heart disease and stroke. The GLoW study sought to find out the best way to help people with type 2 diabetes to lower their blood glucose, improve their health and reduce their risk of developing other health problems.
What treatments are we looking at?
The GLoW trial evaluated two programmes which have been shown to support people with type 2 diabetes to improve their diet and physical activity and improve their health. The first programme was a diabetes education programme called DESMOND, which involves attending a one day group diabetes education session in person or completing the alternative online course called MyDESMOND. The second was a diabetes education and weight management programme called “Live Well With Diabetes”. This involves diabetes education from a registered dietitian over the phone and free attendance at weekly WW (formerly Weight Watchers) meetings for 6 months.
What are we hoping to find out?
We compared the two programmes and see which one has the best impact on health and wellbeing and which one offers the best value for money for the NHS.
How will we do this?
We did this by running a research study (called a trial). We recruited participants and randomly assign them into one of two groups: one group received DESMOND; and one group received Live Well With Diabetes. Participants attended appointments appointments or were sent measurement packs to be completed at home at the start of the study, and again at 6 months and 12 months, so we measured changes in their blood glucose and other health outcomes, as well as changes in their diet and physical activity.
Who can take part?
GLoW is now complete, many thanks to all those who have volunteered to participate in the trial.
If you have any questions please contact the study team at