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Challenges and opportunities in developing technology based approaches to assessing dietary intake
Clare Collins is a Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics in the School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medicine at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia. Professor Collins hold a prestigious NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship. She is currently Director of Research for the School of Health Sciences and is Deputy Director of the Priority Research Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition.
Her research is conducted in collaboration with the Hunter Medical Research Institute’s (HMRI) Cardiovascular Program. HMRI is a partnership between the University, the Hunter New England Local Health District and the community.
Her innovative and world leading research creates new technologies to evaluate nutrition and dietary intake, and how improving nutrition, diet quality, food patterns can facilitate improved weight and health across all ages and stages of life and for those with chronic health conditions.
Professor Collins has developed technology based tools for dietary assessment, including the Healthy Eating Quiz and the Australian Eating Survey.