Research Assistant – Dietary Assessment
Innovation in the Measurement of Diet, Physical Activity and Nutrition, Dietary Assessment Platform
Left the Unit in 2021
Work and interests
Anna joined the Medical Research Council (MRC) Epidemiology Unit in January 2019, and left in September 2021. She managed the Dietary Assessment Platform’s coding team, working across various dietary assessment activities with a particular focus on the processing of dietary and nutrient intake data. She worked on the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS)
Background and experience
Anna graduated as a Home Economist and for several years worked in Food Product Development for large food companies. Anna joined the MRC Dunn Nutrition Unit (which became the MRC Human Nutrition Research Unit) in 2000 and has over 18 years’ experience in dietary coding working across a range of studies. She was instrumental in the development of the integrated dietary assessment system, DINO (Diet In Nutrients Out) – An integrated dietary assessment system
DINO has been used for the processing of data from studies including Cambridge Baby Growth study, Baby Milk study, Child Heart And health Study in England (CHASE), Sport, Physical activity and Eating behaviour, Environmental Determinants in Young people (SPEEDY), National Survey of Health and Development (NSHD).